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70 x 7 The Meal, act XXXIV

This public space art program took the idea of murals and their collaborative and creative assets and transformed it into an interactive experience. 900 people were invited to this huge meal, the artwork on the plates a nod to the importance of food equality and eating locally. The meal was free for all participants. Paris-based artists Lucy and Jorge are reknowned for their artwork in food as they put together these ritual meals all over the world.

Philadelphia Social Innovations Journal says: "Much like inner-city enclaves across the country, the neighborhoods we serve are fast food friendly with an abundance of corner stores and local takeout restaurants that appeal to low-wealth families due to the cost, convenience and pleasant taste of the food. The odds are stacked against these families."

Obesity is a nationwide epidemic, and Philadelphia has not dodged the bullet. Much of the inner city is spanned by "food deserts," or a scarcity of nutritious food. These neighborhoods often lack grocery stores due to the violence and crime that plague the streets, creating a large business risk for the companies. Commuting to other grocery stores is largely unfeasible for the inhabitants of these neighborhoods, since they often lack cars and have to rely on public transportation, an impossible task when lugging home enough food to feed a family.

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